Sessions & Fees

At Little Alpacas we provide simple and clear pricing, Monday to Friday. Flexibility of sessions are possible if the session space is available.

Non funded children will receive an invoice at the beginning of each month, to be paid by the 7th of the same month. Government funding is available for 3-4 years olds. 2 year old funding may be available for eligible families.

Please note that fees will continue to be payable if your child is absent.

On registration, a fee of £50 will be charged for non funded children to secure your child’s place.

Fees are reviewed annually.

MORNING SESSIONS 9am – 12pm £19.62

AFTERNOON SESSIONS 12pm – 3pm £19.62

SCHOOL DAY SESSIONS 9am – 3pm £39.24



Little Alpacas Ltd

Sort Code: 30-96-26 Account Number: 77111868


Please provide a packed lunch for your child.